The Vineyard

We have a perfect understanding of our land... It wakes in spring... Rests at night...

yielding its maximum potential generously...

Our vineyards are part of our team... Never in a hurry... Never an “I can't”... If we know anything, it is that our success depends on them... Today and tomorrow... 

The Soil

Perfect for grape wine growing.

We identify with it, we understand and respect it... We give it what it asks of us, so we can receive the best fruit from it... Nothing happens by chance...

The soil has a granitic origin, formed by the decomposition and washing down of sediments from the coastal mountain range. Our vineyards go from side to side of the Cholqui Valley. The Cholqui stream is in the middle of the valley and soils next to the stream are alluvial, with rounded stones of all sizes washed down by the flow of the steam.